คะแนน 1161
กระทู้: 5142
086-5306051 ติดต่อได้เวลา 20.00น.-23.00น.
« เมื่อ: กรกฎาคม 12, 2009, 05:25:41 pm » |
ELECTROLUX กับ ZANUSSI ระหัส Error บอร์ดที่ใช้ CPU EWM2000
E11 - Problems with the bay water when washing
Error occurs when the 10 minutes the water level in the tank does not reach the desired level. Usually this is due to problems with drainage tract. Check valves and hoses, make sure that the water valve to fit cars with good pressure, the grid in the valve is not clogged CM. The problem can also be caused by a malfunction of the valve supplying water, or damage to the electronic controller CM. You can measure the resistance of the valve winding machines - should be about 3.8 kOhm
E12 - Problems with the Bay water drying
Error appears for 10 minutes during the drying cycle. In this case the check valve repair bay water
E21 - Problems with water drainage
Error occurs when the CM for 10 min does not drain water from the tank. In this case, clean the filter, convinced in the absence of obstruction in the tubes and hoses, and check the work of the discharge pump. Impeller discharge pump rotating left / right to have free course. If not, the pump must be replaced. The resistance of the coil pump is about 200 ohms. The reason for the defect can also be caused by a malfunction of the electronic controller CM
E22 - Problems with the discharge of water during drying
In this case, clean the condenser drying
E31, E32, EZZ, E34 - Problems caused by a mismatch in the testimony pressostatov
Error occurs:
- If pressostat analog signal that goes beyond the established; - If not carried out the calibration of the water level; - Inconsistency in the signals from analog and protective pressostatov; - If the water level in the tank is too high.
In all cases it is necessary to verify the absence of obstruction in the tubes and the cell selection pressure pressostatov. It should be noted error «EZZ» - it occurs more frequently than others and are not eliminated by any replacement of the CM. It appears because of the unstable voltage in the network are high. This error may appear when a failure (breakdown in the corpus), the heating element (TENa), as well as irregularities in the chain of power
E41, E42, E43, E44, E45 - something wrong with the lock hatch
Errors occur if the door is not closed tightly or if it's not working to lock hatch. You can check the status of contacts node lock hatch, disconnect the plug. Account. 3 and 4 should be closed, while 4 and 5 - open. Errors can also be caused by the malfunction of an electronic controller
E51 - defective simistor, Managing driven motor
Error appears when the defective simistor on-board electronic controller or the controller itself may be defective
E52 - something wrong with tahogeneratora
Error occurs when tahogenerator does not form a signal of rotation of the drive motor. In practice, most often occurs as follows: from the vibration during extraction jump spring washer, the restraint coil tahogeneratora. It leave the body and the motor hangs on the wires
E53 - malfunction in the electronic engine management controller
Check serviceability of elements associated with the driver motor. If any items were not identified, replace the electronic controller
E54 - defective one of the relay on the electronic controller
Check serviceability relays, as well as supply chain management in an electronic controller
E61 - slow hot water in the tank
Most often this error occurs at low voltage electrical network
E62 - Increased water temperature in the tank CM (significantly higher than the given)
Check thermistor resistance (5,7 ... 6,3 kOhm - at 20C). Satisfied that Tan did not penetrate to the body. Error can also be caused by a malfunction of the electronic controller
E63 - Lack of heat in the drying
Check the chain and the elements responsible for heating and controlling temperature of drying (see above)
E64 - Overheated drying
In this case, you must check are: Tan, security pressostat, thermistor, and an electronic controller
E66 - defective relay TENa
The discrepancy between the level 2 protective pressostata and the inclusion of relay TENa. Also check the circuit to ground TENa and temperature sensor
E71 - defective temperature sensor wash
Error occurs when the value of the resistance temperature sensor deviates from the norm
E72, E73 - defective temperature sensor drying
Error occurs when the value of the resistance temperature sensor deviates from the norm. Also convinced that the Ten, or the sensor is not trapped in the shell
E84, E85 - defective simistor (located on the electronic controller), Managing circulating pump.
Check serviceability simistora
E91 - A communication error between the electronic controller and display
Check the connectors between the boards. Usually this error is caused by oxidation of the connector contacts
E93, E94 - Configuration Error
When the error is necessary to reconfigure the electronic controller
EF1 - obstruction discharge filter
Error appears with long-term discharge of water (a water level in the tank decreases slightly). In such a case, it is necessary to check all the tubes and hoses, and clean the filter
EF2 - Overdosing detergent
Error appears when you receive the excess amount of foam
คะแนน 1161
กระทู้: 5142
086-5306051 ติดต่อได้เวลา 20.00น.-23.00น.
« ตอบ #1 เมื่อ: กรกฎาคม 12, 2009, 05:29:09 pm » |
ELECTROLUX กับ ZANUSSI ระหัส Error บอร์ดที่ใช้ CPU EWM1000
E11 - No Gulf waters during the wash cycle (the water level in the tank had not been reached for the time)
The most probable cause of the error - failure of one of the valves of the Gulf waters, or its management schemes (simistora) on the electronic controller. You can check the winding valve - its resistance should be about 3.75 ohms. Also, this error may be caused by blockages tract Gulf waters and the low water pressure in water supply
E13 - A water leak in the pan CM
E21 - Over 10 minutes the water was not drained from the tank
The most likely causes of errors: failure of the discharge pump, clogged filter, pipe and tube discharge path. If necessary, you can check the winding discharge pump - its resistance should be about 170 ohms. This error may be caused by a malfunction and an electronic controller
E23 - defective manager simistor discharge pump (located on the electronic controller)
Check and, if necessary, replace the specified simistor
E24 - Defect chain management simistora discharge pump (its elements, as simistor, located on the electronic controller)
Check serviceability of the specified circuit
EZZ - Lack of water level of the sensors (sensor TENa protection from the inclusion of the last without water sensor and the first level)
The most likely causes of such errors can be: - Defective one of the sensors; - Clog the tube level sensors, and camera selection pressure for these sensors; - High voltage power network in the CM; - Breakdown in the corpus TENa
E3 - The water level in the tank above the allowable
In the Gulf water has been achieved so-called level of overflowing (overflow of the switch was open at the time more than 15s)
E36 - faulty level sensor to protect TENa (AB S)
Check the specified gauge
E37 - something wrong with the first water level sensor (L1 S)
Check the specified gauge
E39 - something wrong with the sensor-level overflow (HV1 S)
Check the specified gauge
E41 - The hatch is open or not tightly closed
Tightly close the hatch
E42 - defective lock hatch
Check locking hatch
E43 - defective simistor Manager (located on the electronic controller) lock lock hatch
Check serviceability manager simistora lock lock hatch
E44 - defective sensor, closing the hatch
Check the specified gauge
E45 - defective components supply chain management simistora lock hatch (its elements, as simistor, located on the electronic controller)
Check the elements of supply chain management lock hatch
E51 - Short-circuiting the administrator simistora drive motor (located on the electronic controller)
Check and, if necessary, replace management simistor driven motor
E52 - tahogeneratora signal from the drive motor is not supplied to the electronic controller
The most probable cause of this error is caused by the fact that from the shell tahogeneratora could jump off fixing the washer, so the coil sensor goes out of his seat
E53 - defective components supply chain management simistora drive motor (its elements, as simistor, located on the electronic controller)
Check the controls simistora drive motor
E54 - «Zalipanie» one of the contact groups relays reverse (a total of two) drive motor (switch located on the electronic controller)
Check and, if necessary, replace the relay reverse
E61 - During the hot water temperature for a certain period of time does not reach the specified value
This code is not available to read in normal mode, the CM - he appears only in the diagnostic mode. You can check Ten - its resistance should be about 30 ohms (at room temperature)
E62 - During the hot water temperature reached a value of more than 88 ° C for 5 minutes
Typically, this error may be caused by malfunction of the sensor temperature. The sensor can be verified by measuring its resistance - it should be within 5.7 ... 6.3 kOhm (at 20 ° C). Tan is also necessary to check (it is possible breakdown in the corpus)
E66 - defective relay TENa
Check and replace if necessary, as a mere relay TENa, and its control circuit
E71 - Resistance temperature sensor went beyond the limits posed
The most probable reason for this error caused by the break or short-circuiting the sensor or its connecting chains. Sometimes breaking down Ten or sensor (possible breakdown of one of these elements in the building)
E82 - Failed choice provisions selector
E83 - Error reading data from the selector (this code is available for reading only in diagnostic mode
E93 - Configuration Error CM
This defect is eliminated by using the correct configuration code
E94 - Configuration Errors CM and cycle (program)
To eliminate such errors need to rewrite nonvolatile memory controller or replace the card
E95 - Failed connection between the processor and a nonvolatile memory based on the electronic controller
Check the chain between the processor and chip ESPPZU. Also need to check the food on a chip nonvolatile memory
E96 - Mismatched configuration electronic controller and external elements that are connected to it (or not)
Check the line configuration of the electronic controller and the external elements
E97 - Inconsistency in the selector of programs and software of electronic controller
EB1 - The frequency of the supply does not correspond to a valid set
Check parameters of voltage
EB2 - Supply voltage above the allowable limit
Check parameters of voltage
EBZ - Supply voltage below the allowable limit
Check parameters of voltage
คะแนน 1161
กระทู้: 5142
086-5306051 ติดต่อได้เวลา 20.00น.-23.00น.
« ตอบ #2 เมื่อ: กรกฎาคม 12, 2009, 05:49:36 pm » |
Ariston series EVOII
Washing machine fault codes Ariston / Indesit series EVOII describing the procedure for their removal.
- The type of failure can have a variety of ways: Models AVD trouble code is displayed directly on the display machine. on models without a display indicates a fault with the help of LEDs. Specify the type of malfunction with the help of LEDs: 1. Door locked car 2. The indicator light flashes quickly lock the doors (with at least> 1 Hz) 3. The LEDs on the control panel are blinking, indicating a trouble code.
List of error codes, fault and warning messages: F01: - short-thyristor engine - Verify no leakage of water that could enter the connector J9 and close the relevant conclusions - Check the terminals of the motor (as a result of exposure to chemical residues of the production process may short-circuit) - Replace card F02: The engine is locked, a chain tahogeneratora open / short - Check whether the engine is not blocked - Verify the reliability of J9 connector contacts on the board - Check winding tahogeneratora: the resistance between the findings of 1 and 2 of connector J9 must be between 115 ohms and 170 ohms. -In the case of short circuit or breakage In the case of an open or short circuit prozvonit conclusions 1 and 2 at connector J9, relevant tahogeneratoru. In the case of three-phase motor to see a chain between the findings 6 and 7 connector J9. - Replace motor - Replace card F03: Chain NTC sensor wash off / short, or zaliplo relays incorporate TENa washing signal in the presence of filling) - Verify the reliability of contacts, the connector J8 on the board - Check the sensor NTC, measuring the resistance between the findings of 11 and 12 of connector J8: at an ambient temperature of 20 ° C, it must be equal to approximately 20 ohms. - In the case of incorrect values prozvonit wires connecting the connector with the J8 sensor NTC. Measure the same value at the sensor NTS - Replace sensor NTC - Replace card F04: Simultaneous signals are emptying and the overflow (the pressure relay zaliplo to "empty"). If the relay zaliplo pressure to "empty", a washing machine will fill the water up to the overflow. Drain pump is automatically switched relay contact pressure corresponds to the overflow. - Verify the reliability of J3 connector contacts on the board - Check the condition of the relay pressure on the connector J3 prozvoniv conclusions 2 and 4 (they must prozvanivatsya only with an empty tank), conclusions 2 and 3 (they should prozvanivatsya only if there is water in the tank) and the findings of 2 and 1 (they should prozvanivatsya only if the amount of water in the tank exceeds the normal level and the water level above the middle door). - Check the wires that connect the J3 connector on the relay with the pressure - Replace pressure switch - Replace the card. F05: Pressure switch has not reached a state of "empty" or blocked drain pump - Verify the reliability of J9 connector contacts on the motherboard, making sure that their conclusions 8 and 9, there is a voltage 220 V - Check whether the food served at the pump - Check / clean the filter pump + drain - Replace pump - Replace card F06: None at the AVD and AVL F07: There is no current consumption TENom washing (the fault is issued only when the pressure switch in a position to "empty") - Verify the reliability of J3 connector contacts on the board Prozvonit-on connector J3 conclusions 5 and 6, corresponding TENu washing. Tan 1800 W 230 V ohmic resistance is 25 ohms. - Check the pressure switch, prozvoniv conclusions 2 and 3 on the connector J3 ( "total" and "filling in"): the chain between them should not be. -Check the status of the relay pressure on the connector J3 prozvoniv conclusions 2 and 4: among them should be a chain - Replace the Ten - Replace pressure switch - Replace card F08: Zaliplo relays incorporate TENa washing (signal in the presence of discharge) or relay zaliplo pressure to "fill" (simultaneous signals filling and emptying) - Verify the reliability of J3 connector contacts on the board - Check the condition of the relay pressure on the connector J3 prozvoniv conclusions 2 and 4 (they must prozvanivatsya only with an empty tank), conclusions 2 and 3 (they should prozvanivatsya in the presence of water in the tank) and the findings of 2 and 1 (they should prozvanivatsya only when the water level in the tank exceeds the normal and the water is above the middle door). - Check the wires that connect the J3 connector on the relay with the pressure - Prozvonit on the connector J3 conclusions 5 and 6, corresponding TENu. - Replace pressure switch - Replace card F09: An error was detected the program (ESPPZU not programmed or not) - In case of installed on the factory plate with a welded ESPPZU, replace the card and ESPPZU - In the case of the replacement motherboard and ESPPZU, check for correct installation ESPPZU in pads on the board F10: The simultaneous absence of signals of emptying and filling - Verify the reliability of J3 connector contacts on the board - Check the condition of the relay pressure on the connector J3 prozvoniv conclusions 2 and 4 (they must prozvanivatsya only with an empty tank), conclusions 2 and 3 (they should prozvanivatsya in the presence of water in the tank) and the findings of 2 and 1 (they should prozvanivatsya only when the water level in the tank exceeds the normal and the water is above the middle door). - Check the wires that connect the J3 connector on the relay with the pressure - Replace pressure switch - Replace card F11: The absence of a signal feedback from the pump (motor winding discharge pump broke or not connected) - Verify the reliability of J9 connector contacts on the board - Measure the resistance between the findings of 1 and 2 of connector J15 (in the case of a washing machine with a system of locking the doors Easy Door) or findings 8 and 9 of connector J9 (in the case of the traditional system of locking the doors), it must be equal to 170 ohms. -Check the cables connecting the connector J15 (or J9) with pump-Replace the pump. - Replace card F12: The lack of communication between the display board and main board - Verify the reliability of contacts, the connector J11 on the board -Prozvonit wires that connect to the J11 connector 5-pin connector on the motherboard display - Replace the main board. - Replace the card VAR? ? eya / LED F13: Chain NTC sensor drying off - Verify the reliability of contacts, the connector J10 on the board - Check the sensor NTC, measured at the connector J10 resistance between the findings 7 and 8, with an ambient temperature of 20 ° C resistance of the sensor should be equal to about 20 kilohms - Prozvonit wires on the connector J10 / NTC Replace sensor NTC - Replace card F14: Chain TENa drying off drying or sensor is not connected - Verify the reliability of contacts, the connector J2 on the board - Measure the resistance between the findings of 1 and 2 of connector J2 to: ohmic resistance TENa drying power of 1300 W nominal voltage of 230 V should be about 40 kilohms - Check the wires that connect the connector J10/TEN drying - Replace the Ten - Replace card F15: Ten drying constant is included (zalipli relay contacts CP thyristors drying or drying) - Verify the reliability of contacts, the connector J2 on the board - Check the wires that connect the connector J2/TEN drying - Check the wires that connect the connector J3/rele pressure - Replace card F16: Lock the drum (only on machines with top loading) F17: A chain of locks or doors open to it is not receiving power (the traditional system of locking the doors without the function of Easy Door) - Check on the connector J4, inserted in the card, the presence of findings 2 and 3 voltage 230 V (it does not exist, if the machine is in standby mode), and among the findings of 3 and 1 (corresponding failure of the device lock the doors) - the presence of voltage 230 V - Check the latch on the door - Replace the door lock device - Replace card F18 -> Error connection between the microprocessor and DSP (digital signal processing device), replace the card
คะแนน 1161
กระทู้: 5142
086-5306051 ติดต่อได้เวลา 20.00น.-23.00น.
« ตอบ #3 เมื่อ: กรกฎาคม 12, 2009, 06:06:05 pm » |
TOSHIBA รุ่น ฝาบน
คะแนน 1161
กระทู้: 5142
086-5306051 ติดต่อได้เวลา 20.00น.-23.00น.
« ตอบ #4 เมื่อ: กรกฎาคม 12, 2009, 06:20:05 pm » |
DAEWOO รุ่น ฝาบน
คะแนน 1161
กระทู้: 5142
086-5306051 ติดต่อได้เวลา 20.00น.-23.00น.
« ตอบ #5 เมื่อ: กรกฎาคม 12, 2009, 07:02:25 pm » |
PANASONIC รุ่น ฝาบน ไม่มีตัวเลข
คะแนน 1161
กระทู้: 5142
086-5306051 ติดต่อได้เวลา 20.00น.-23.00น.
« ตอบ #6 เมื่อ: กรกฎาคม 12, 2009, 07:08:48 pm » |
HITACHI รุ่น ฝาบน
คะแนน 650
กระทู้: 3008
« ตอบ #7 เมื่อ: กรกฎาคม 13, 2009, 06:39:27 pm » |
"CHIAB" มนุษย์เราแต่ละคน ต่างไม่รู้ว่ามาจากไหน ไม่มีใครรู้จักกันมาก่อนเลย แล้ววันหนึ่งก็มาพบหน้ากัน สมมุติเป็นพ่อ เป็นแม่ เป็นเมีย เป็นสามี เป็นลูก อยู่ร่วมกัน ใช้ชีวิตร่วมกัน และแล้ววันหนึ่ง ก็แยกย้ายด้วยการ "ตายจาก" กันไปสู่ ณ ที่ซึ่งไม่มีใครได้ตามพบ คืนสู่ความเป็นผู้ไม่รู้ว่ามาจากไหน ไปไหน และคืนสู่ความเป็น "คนแปลกหน้า" ซึ่งกันและกันอนันกาลอีกครั้งหนึ่ง...และอีกครั้งหนึ่ง!? ขอขอบคุณ คุณเปลว สีเงิน ที่ให้ข้อคิดดีๆ
คะแนน 1
กระทู้: 217
« ตอบ #8 เมื่อ: กรกฎาคม 27, 2009, 01:21:12 pm » |
คะแนน 25
กระทู้: 209
« ตอบ #9 เมื่อ: กรกฎาคม 28, 2009, 08:46:58 pm » |
คะแนน 2
กระทู้: 167
« ตอบ #10 เมื่อ: กรกฎาคม 30, 2009, 09:00:30 am » |
ขอบคุณมากเลยครับ ของหายาก
คะแนน 2
กระทู้: 19
« ตอบ #11 เมื่อ: กรกฎาคม 30, 2009, 02:02:11 pm » |
คะแนน 2
กระทู้: 14
« ตอบ #12 เมื่อ: กรกฎาคม 31, 2009, 09:19:31 am » |
teerapat poca
คะแนน 3
กระทู้: 120
« ตอบ #13 เมื่อ: สิงหาคม 02, 2009, 03:52:07 pm » |
tom ele
คะแนน 62
กระทู้: 1306
« ตอบ #14 เมื่อ: สิงหาคม 02, 2009, 08:31:55 pm » |
ขอบคุณมากครับ อยากได้ LG กับ SAMSUNG ด้วยคับพี่
ช่างนอกเวลาเรียน ไม่ได้มีอาชีพเป็นช่าง แต่เป็นช่างมืออาชีพ เทคโนโลยีอิเล็กทรอนิกส์และโทรคมนาคม ม.ราชภัฎนครศรีธรรมราช รุ่นสุดท้าย
ซุปเปอร์ วีไอพี
คะแนน 23
กระทู้: 58
« ตอบ #15 เมื่อ: สิงหาคม 02, 2009, 08:35:37 pm » |
Full Member

คะแนน 50
กระทู้: 475
โจ ครับ...
« ตอบ #16 เมื่อ: สิงหาคม 17, 2009, 02:19:48 pm » |
เริดดดดมากครับพี่ตู่ ขอบคุณคร้าบบ 
คะแนน 148
กระทู้: 59
« ตอบ #17 เมื่อ: กันยายน 15, 2009, 10:48:28 am » |
คะแนน 1161
กระทู้: 5142
086-5306051 ติดต่อได้เวลา 20.00น.-23.00น.
« ตอบ #18 เมื่อ: กันยายน 23, 2009, 08:32:12 pm » |
Error codes เครื่องซักผ้า Candy
E01 - Luke door is not locked, indicators, lights, buttons do not light
Defective locking device door hatch or an electronic controller
E02 - In the tank is not filled with water
- No water in the water (shut off); - Defective valve Gulf waters; - Faulty electronic controller;
The water level in the tank after 210 does not reach the nominal level
- Low water pressure in the water; - Clogged mesh valve Gulf waters
The water level in the tank above the nominal. Through the 210s after the beginning of a set of water displays an error code
Pressostat defective or compromised integrity of its nozzles
E03 - No discharge of water from the tank or exceeded the time of discharge of water (more than 3 minutes)
- Faulty pump discharge water or broken contact in its connectors; - Defective Pressostat (zalipla "his contact group" full tank "); - If the time exceeds the discharge of water from the tank may be clogged highway drainage water (filter pump, drain hose or bellows)
E04 - Water level in the tank above the nominal level.
Pressostat generates a signal "OVERFLOW TANK". After 210s displayed an error code.
Defective valve Gulf water (always open) or an electronic controller (the appropriate manager Triac)
The display immediately shows the code oshibki.Neispraven temperature sensor. Its resistance should be 20 kOhm (at 25 ° C) and 2.14 kilohms (85 ° C)
No hot water, washing program is not terminated, the error code is not visible
Defective heater or an electronic controller
Cam dispenser does not move out of the situation "PROVISIONAL Clean" to "main washing - washing program does not stop, the error code displayed
They check serviceability of the engine selector programs. Operating voltage motor -220 V, and its resistance to the winding approximately equal to 15 kilohms. Also in this case, check the integrity of the connections between control units and indicating
Ongoing 3 attempts to start driving the motor with maximum speed. Then wash the program stops and displays an error code.
Tachogenerator defective. The resistance of its windings should be about 42 ohms (for motors CEZET) or 156 ohms (HOOVER). Often, such a defect occurs due to the destruction of the core Tacho
E09 - Shaft drive motor does not rotate, it displays an error code
- Faulty electronic controller (Triac drive motor) - Break connections between the electronic controller and drive motor 1; - Faulty drive motor
don ♥1,500
ซุปเปอร์ วีไอพี
คะแนน 288
กระทู้: 356
« ตอบ #19 เมื่อ: พฤศจิกายน 15, 2009, 01:42:09 am » |
ซุปเปอร์ วีไอพี
คะแนน 105
กระทู้: 51
« ตอบ #20 เมื่อ: พฤษภาคม 07, 2010, 05:38:31 am » |
ซุปเปอร์ วีไอพี
คะแนน 105
กระทู้: 51
« ตอบ #21 เมื่อ: พฤษภาคม 07, 2010, 06:28:13 am » |
ซุปเปอร์ วีไอพี
คะแนน 105
กระทู้: 51
« ตอบ #22 เมื่อ: พฤษภาคม 07, 2010, 06:29:46 am » |
ซุปเปอร์ วีไอพี
คะแนน 105
กระทู้: 51
« ตอบ #23 เมื่อ: พฤษภาคม 07, 2010, 06:30:59 am » |
คะแนน 0
กระทู้: 7
« ตอบ #24 เมื่อ: กรกฎาคม 15, 2010, 12:10:13 am » |
เครื่องซักผ้า LG 7.5 kg ซักได้ครับ ล้างน้ำที่หนึ่ง-สอง มีปัญหาเป็นบางครั้ง ล้างเสร็จปล่อยน้ำทิ้งเริ่มปั่นหมาด มอเตอร์กระชากสองที เครื่องหยุด จากเวลาที่เหลือ8นาทีเพิ่มเป็น16นาทีแล้วก็จะเปิดน้ำใส่เครื่องเอง แล้วก็เป็นเป็นแบบนี้วนไปเรื่อยๆ ถ้าไม่ได้เฝ้าก็จะไม่ได้ตากซักที พอจะมีวิธีแก้มั้ยครับ ไม่มีขึ้นรหัส เออเร่อ
คะแนน 1161
กระทู้: 5142
086-5306051 ติดต่อได้เวลา 20.00น.-23.00น.
« ตอบ #25 เมื่อ: กรกฎาคม 15, 2010, 12:16:25 am » |
วิธีแก้ มีครับ แต่ ต้องตั้งกระทู้ให้ถูกที่ และบอกรุ่น มาด้วย กระทู้นี้ มีเฉพาะเครื่องที่มีระหัส Error
คะแนน 4
กระทู้: 46
« ตอบ #26 เมื่อ: กรกฎาคม 15, 2010, 08:05:01 am » |
 ขอของ sumsung ด้วยครับ 
คะแนน 3
กระทู้: 201
ทำไปเถอะอย่าท้อ ท้อได้แต่อย่าถอย
« ตอบ #27 เมื่อ: สิงหาคม 24, 2010, 03:36:48 pm » |
haier ขึ้น E6 ครับ เกิดจากอะไรครับ ขออนุญาติแปลเป็นไทยนะครับ ต่างชาติไม่แข็งแรงครับ
คะแนน 1161
กระทู้: 5142
086-5306051 ติดต่อได้เวลา 20.00น.-23.00น.
« ตอบ #28 เมื่อ: พฤศจิกายน 06, 2010, 07:15:02 am » |
ตามคำขอครับ HAIER