Have some sheets here dating from 1975, but the STK089 is not listed yet.
However if it is some help to you here is some data for the STK086:
Max. psu voltage + and 55V
Recommended psu voltage + and 42V
Pmax at 0.2% THD @ 8 ohms 70W
Max. collector current 7A
Pmax @ 4 ohms (0.2% THD) 100W
1/ plus in (non inverting in)
2/ substrate
3/ minus in (inverting in)
4/ driver stage V-
5/ Vas out lo, compensation.
6/ power stage V-
7/ output
8/ power stage V+
9/ Vas out hi, not used
10/ driver stage V+
http://www.tranzistoare.ro/datasheets2/13/134599_1.pdfนับตามปีผลิต นะครับ